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Лиценз №: 02030161 - CA / Realtor Joseph Venturi Real Estate -д
Keller Williams®-ын оффис бүрийг бие даан эзэмшиж, ажиллуулдаг

Миний тухай

If you are looking for a low-pressure agent in North San Diego County well look no further. Joseph Venturi with Keller Williams of Carlsbad will help you find the information you are looking for to help you make the best decision for the future.

When you contact Joseph feel free to ask him any questions you can think of regarding the North San Diego County Real Estate market.

With year’s of experience and countless successful transactions, Joseph has the negotiation skills that you need to help you buy or sell your next North County property.

Extremely easy to deal with and a master of making the transaction as smooth as possible for his clients, he will always do what he says he will do when he said he will do it. That's how you create long term relationships.

Миний дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл
ЗАХ ТӨВ Keller Williams Realty
Keller Williams Realty
6005 Hidden Valley Rd. Carlsbad, CA 92011 Ste 200

Joseph Venturi
Realtor 02030161
Гар утас
Энэ вэбсайт нь таны туршлагыг сайжруулахын тулд күүки ашигладаг. Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг манай нийтлэлээс уншина уу Күүкийн бодлого. "Зөвшөөрөх" дээр дарж эсвэл энэ сайтыг үргэлжлүүлэн ашигласнаар та күүки ашиглахыг зөвшөөрч байна Хэрэглэх нөхцөл болон Нууцлалын бодлого.