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Larry Martin
Grand Rapids West
Grandville, MI
ライセンス #: 6502412117 - MI / The Larry Martin TeamでのRealtor


I Love to help people! I have been in Real Estate Since 1992. Please look at my 400 + Zillow reviews. https://www.zillow.com/profile/Larry-Martin1/#reviews

I know that buying or selling a home is one of the most important things you will ever do, and I want to help make that experience as smooth and successful as possible.

My extensive experience and expertise in the West Michigan area real estate market will benefit you whether you are looking to buy or sell a home in the area.

Buying a home? I will help you find the home of your dreams by taking the time to listen and understand your needs and desires. Once I know what you want, I will work tirelessly to find the right home for you, because no one should have to compromise when it comes to such a huge purchase.

Selling your home? My expertise in the West Michigan area real estate market will help ensure that you get the best price for your property. My finely-tuned marketing program will make sure the right people see your home.

言語 English
専門分野と指定 Luxury
マーケットセンター Grand Rapids West
Grand Rapids West
4301 Canal SW Not Provided

Larry Martin
Realtor 6502412117
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