ライセンス #: 201216367 - OR / Kim ArchuletaでのRealtor


Kim is a Realtor in the Mid Willamette area. Growing up here and raising her 3 children, with her husband, has been a wonderful opportunity to connect with many people. She is passionate about helping others. She has coached softball over the last 10+ years and uses that platform to mentor young girls in being confident and BOLD, teaching them that they are beautiful young beings. She loves being a Realtor and being part of the KW family. Helping people find their special place to call home brings an exciting and rewarding challenge. She tailors every transactions to meet the needs of her client while guiding them through the entire process, keeping and connecting with those relationships throughout the coming years. She looks forward to doing business with you!

言語 English
専門分野と指定 ALC member
マーケットセンター Mid-Willamette
1121 NW 9th Street Corvallis, Or 97330
オフィス (541) 738-7770

Kimberly Archuleta
Realtor 201216367
モバイル (503) 510-5174

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