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Licenza #: 200709155 - OR / Principal Broker a The Josh Cooley Team
Ogni ufficio Keller Williams® è di proprietà e gestione indipendente.

Su di me

The Josh Cooley Team is based on the foundation of one thing. That one thing is that all clients have individual needs which are important. They will first seek to understand your goals in real estate and then use their 50 years plus of real estate experience to offer options that will fit your needs. This may be the highest producing real estate team year after year and you would never feel that way as a client. Why? You ARE important and your needs come first. How can they help?

I miei dati
LINGUE English
CENTRO MERCATO Keller Williams
Keller Williams
2644 Suzanne Way #100 Eugene, OR, 97408

Josh Cooley
Principal Broker 200709155
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