Susan Rogers
Keller Williams Barrow-Jackson
כל משרד של Keller Williams® הוא בבעלות עצמאית ומופעל
NATIVE to ATLANTA with a great passion for helping families find HOME. We have several great areas along with fabulous public schools that make it the right fit for any family depending on budget. Growing booming City with a lot to do, outdoor activities and of course the new Braves Stadium & Falcon Stadium. Providing personal one on one service is essential to provide that dedication and for ever connection with my families. I select what clients I want to work with whether as a listing specialist or buyer representation. Happy clients are more satisfying than a numbers game in my career as a realtor.
הפרטים שלי
התמחויות וייעודים
מרכז השוק
Keller Williams Barrow-Jackson