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Listing Courtesy Of: GS Realty Group, John B Tucker, John Tucker
Listado Vendido Por: GS Realty Group
Servicios inmobiliarios locales proporcionados por: Keller Williams Realty Spartanburg
Descripción general
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114 Martin Street, Laurens, SC 29360
3 Dormitorios
2 Baños
pies cuadrados
114 Martin Street, Laurens, SC 29360
Estimación proporcionada por Keller Williams Realty Inc.
3 Dormitorios
2 Baños
pies cuadrados
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Descripción de la propiedad

BACK ON MARKET. NO FAULT OF SELLER. MAJORITY OF REPAIRS FROM INSPECTION ARE BEING COMPLETED BY MARCH 31ST. Are you looking for something outside of the box filled with history and great bones? This home has that old school, Victorian charm, has been updated significantly and sits near the heart of downtown Laurens and happens to be my parents' house as well! **NOTE: the photos are a combination from the most recent owners and a previous listing a few years ago to give an idea of the home with furniture and without.** Located just a couple minute walk to the town square with many restaurants so you can get a nice dinner and enjoy little mom and pop shops. Within walking distance as well (about 10 minutes) is the Laurens City Park which has a walking trail, mini golf course, and playground. Built in 1880, this home carries with it many years of history. Even the original manual doorbell, from 150 years ago, is still on the front door and is operational! All recent updates include NEW HVAC, water heater, floors, and appliances (all replaced in 2019) and a roof (replaced in 2017). Other updates include new floorjoists for the first floor, a garage door added to the detached garage, and a brand NEW outbuilding (installed in past year) which comes with the home. The layout of the first floor includes the master bedroom, one full bath, living area, kitchen, and laundry. Follow the stairs upstairs and findbedroom two and three with a "jack and jill" bathroom attaching each bedroom. Outside, you'll find a wrap around porch to enjoy a cool evening amongst a dream backyard, filled with beautiful flowering trees and bushes like dogwoods, crape myrtles, peonies, camillas, japanese maple, gardenias, and even a pecan tree. Many of these are fragrant and flower in the spring (the sellers especially love the smell of the gardenias).The yard is partially fenced and could easily be fenced in if the new owner would like to and comes with a patio to grill out on. FYI In case you are worried about the structural integrity of the home since it is old, the current owners had a structural engineer come out and inspect the home when they bought it and stated that the "structure appears to be stable and performing to normal design intents." You can view this report upon request from an agent if you would like. This is one of those homes that you have see in person to really appreciate the novelty of it. Come check it out!

Detalles de la propiedad

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Descripción general
tipo de propiedad
Single Family Residence
Tamaño de la propiedad
pies cuadrados
Días en el sitio
564 días
Forced Air, Natural Gas, Central Air, Electric, Wall/Window Unit(s)
1 espacio de estacionamiento
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Historial de actividades

Datos proporcionados por Keller Williams Realty, Inc.
Próximas jornadas de puertas abiertas
Actualmente no hay casas abiertas programadas para esta propiedad. No se preocupe, siempre puede programar un recorrido u obtener ayuda adicional de su agente.

Pago Mensual Estimado

Precio de compra:
Capital + Intereses
Impuesto a la propiedad
Seguro de Hogar
HOA/Tarifa de condominio
Seguro hipotecario
Precio de compra
El precio de compra se ha cambiado a algo diferente al precio de lista actual.
Tasa de interés
Tipo de préstamo
Impuesto a la propiedad
Seguro Hogar /año
HOA/Cuotas de condominio/mes
Seguro Hipotecario /mes
Puntaje de crédito
Esta calculadora es solo una estimación. Comuníquese con Keller Williams para una evaluación completa y precisa.

Historial de precios e impuestos

(+ )
Disminución de precios
(- )
(+ )
(+ )
(+ )
Impuesto a la propiedad
Valor de tasación
El valor catastral es una combinación del terreno y las adiciones.
(+ )
Terreno 200 + Adiciones 4.320
(+ )
Terreno 200 + Adiciones 4.200
(+ )
Terreno 4.100 + Adiciones 20.000
Terreno 4.100 + Adiciones 20.000
Los datos del historial de la propiedad que se muestran se obtienen de registros públicos y/o fuentes MLS de la jurisdicción local en la que se encuentra la propiedad correspondiente. Como kw.com no puede garantizar que todos los registros públicos y los datos de MLS sean precisos y estén libres de errores, es importante que se comunique directamente con su agente para obtener la información más actualizada disponible.
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