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Listing Courtesy Of: Keller Williams Realty, Heather Linkin
Llistat venut per: Keller Williams Realty
Serveis immobiliaris locals prestats per: Keller Williams Realty
Visió general
Què costarà
Habitatges semblants
43 Main Street Street, Limerick, ME 04048
8 llits
7 Banys
peus quadrats
43 Main Street Street, Limerick, ME 04048
Estimació proporcionada per Keller Williams Realty Inc.
8 llits
7 Banys
peus quadrats
Visita virtual
Jornada de portes obertes:
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Descripció de la propietat

Welcome to this majestic and historic 1793 Mansion situated in the quaint storybook village of Limerick, featuring landscape murals throughout the property's interior in the style of renowned folk artist, Rufus Porter. This home is a historical treasure that was originally designed and built by General McDonald boasting 9 fireplaces, 8 bedrooms, and 6 bathrooms. Years later, the General's son, Moses, commissioned the massive murals to depict Casco Bay, the village of Limerick with its breathtaking hillsides and expansive views, and the family tree weaving up the front staircase. Moses went on to hold elected Maine office in the House of Representatives, Senate, and Speaker of the House.
The home's foundation was built of granite stones hauled by horses from Augusta. Locally hewn posts and beams support the barn and the main structure with enormous brick arches in the basement. Beautifully maintained antique windows reveal the original seeds and waves from authentically blown glass of the late 1700's. Murals on the 3rd floor transform the Grand Ballroom into a Magical Hall ensconced in sepia landscape that encircles the glorious compass rose painted into the floor, undoubtedly the host of a multitude of weddings, meetings, and countless gatherings over the last 229 years!
This Village landmark is zoned for business, single residential, or multi residential use and has seen many transformations throughout the centuries. Its business endeavors hosted The Pineapple Inn, the Shade of the Elms antique shop, and more recently The Custom House Antiques. The current owner had grand plans for an Early American Pub House in addition to the set of a movie featuring the restoration needed at this spectacular diamond in the rough it is today.
43 Main Street seeks many updates and restoration. Bring your carpenters, vision, and creativity for your dream home or business. Come fall in love with this astounding gem located in the heart of Limerick Maine.

Detalls de la propietat

Compara aquesta casa
Visió general
Tipus de propietat
Single Family Residence
Mida de la propietat
peus quadrats
Any de construcció
Dies al lloc
927 dies
Hot Water
El vostre agent

Història de l'activitat

Dades proporcionades per Keller Williams Realty, Inc.
Properes Jornades de Portes Obertes
Actualment no hi ha jornada de portes obertes programades per a aquesta propietat. No us preocupeu: sempre podeu programar una visita o obtenir ajuda addicional del vostre agent.

Pagament mensual estimat

Preu de compra:
Principal + Interessos
Impost de Béns Immobles
Assegurança de la llar
Tarifa HOA/Condominio
Assegurança hipotecària
Preu de compra
El preu de compra s'ha canviat a una altra cosa que no sigui el preu indicat actualment.
Taxa d'interès
Tipus de préstec
Impost de Béns Immobles
Assegurança de la llar/any
HOA/Comissions de condominis/mes
Assegurança hipotecaria/mes
Puntuació de crèdit
Aquesta calculadora és només una estimació. Poseu-vos en contacte amb Keller Williams per obtenir una avaluació completa i precisa.

Historial de preus i impostos

(- )
Impost de Béns Immobles
Valor avaluat
El valor avaluat és una combinació de la terra i les addicions.
(+ )
Terra 38.748 + Addicions 116.189
(+ )
Terra 30.998 + Addicions 109.019
(- )
Terra 30.998 + Addicions 109.019
(+ )
Terra 30.998 + Addicions 109.019
Terra 30.998 + Addicions 109.019
Les dades de l'historial de la propietat que es mostren s'obtenen de registres públics i/o fonts MLS de la jurisdicció local on es troba la propietat aplicable. Com que kw.com no pot garantir que tots els registres públics i les dades de la MLS siguin exactes i sense errors, és important que us poseu en contacte directament amb el vostre agent per obtenir la informació més actualitzada disponible.
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