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Listing Courtesy Of: Fink & Assoc - Allen Tate, 864-888-3211, Melanie Fink
Llistat venut per: Weichert Realtors - Shaun & Shari Group (Seneca)
Serveis immobiliaris locals prestats per: Keller Williams Realty Western Upstate, SC
Visió general
Què costarà
Habitatges semblants
110 S Fairplay Street, Seneca, SC 29678
4 llits
4 Banys
peus quadrats
110 S Fairplay Street, Seneca, SC 29678
Estimació proporcionada per Keller Williams Realty Inc.
4 llits
4 Banys
peus quadrats
Visita virtual
Jornada de portes obertes:
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Descripció de la propietat

Own a piece of history... This southern charm Circa 1900 home was built by and home to the R.L. Nimmons family at the turn of the century. A staple in the record books of the city of Seneca, this home didn't have power until 1905. Completely renovated by the current owner in the late 1990's, this property remains true to its era while offering the ease of modern use. Loads of charming attributes run throughout that remind you of its story in each and every room. From built-in hutches to hundred year old fixtures, there is an ambiance that only comes with age. Decorative iron fences, street lanterns and lead glass accents are merely a couple of the antiquities that add to the experience of this residence. Although you feel like you're back in time, the present-day is definitely here. The three full baths are all tile showers and tub surrounds. An open kitchen features granite counters, gas cooking, a spacious wall oven, warming drawer and even a serving bar with glass cabinets and ice maker. Affordable maintenance with current cooling and a variety of heating; options include a pellet stove in the dining room, gas logs in the living room and gas radiant heat in the den. Natural gas also services the main level hot water heater, the clothes dryer and the kitchen cooktop. One thing that is sometimes missing with a beautiful historical home is storage. That's not the case here. 110 South Fairplay Street offers an oversized detached garage. Just outside the back door is a spacious parking area, large enough for family and guests, with a 30x40 three-car garage featuring a finished office above; great for extra storage or a future apartment space. Within walking distance to the quaint Ram Cat Alley in downtown Seneca for fine dining at Vangeli's or our weekly live music festivities at Jazz on the Alley. Live the endearing lifestyle of a small southern town. This is a place where you can say “we are home”. ** Over the years, several updates and upgrades have been made: New roof installed March 2020, gutters 2019, HVAC within last 5 years and more. **

Detalls de la propietat

Compara aquesta casa
Visió general
Tipus de propietat
Single Family
Mida de la propietat
peus quadrats
Dies al lloc
1.274 dies
Central Electric, More than One Unit, Multizoned, Radiant, Central Electric, Multi-Zoned
2 places d'aparcament
El vostre agent
Connecteu-vos amb l'agent adequat per a vosaltres
Connecteu-vos amb l'agent adequat per a vosaltres

Història de l'activitat

Dades proporcionades per Keller Williams Realty, Inc.
Properes Jornades de Portes Obertes
Actualment no hi ha jornada de portes obertes programades per a aquesta propietat. No us preocupeu: sempre podeu programar una visita o obtenir ajuda addicional del vostre agent.

Pagament mensual estimat

Preu de compra:
Principal + Interessos
Impost de Béns Immobles
Assegurança de la llar
Tarifa HOA/Condominio
Assegurança hipotecària
Preu de compra
El preu de compra s'ha canviat a una altra cosa que no sigui el preu indicat actualment.
Taxa d'interès
Tipus de préstec
Impost de Béns Immobles
Assegurança de la llar/any
HOA/Comissions de condominis/mes
Assegurança hipotecaria/mes
Puntuació de crèdit
Aquesta calculadora és només una estimació. Poseu-vos en contacte amb Keller Williams per obtenir una avaluació completa i precisa.

Historial de preus i impostos

No hi ha dades d'historial fiscal
No hi ha dades d'historial fiscal disponibles per a aquesta propietat en aquest moment. Si us plau, consulteu amb el vostre agent si teniu cap pregunta.
Les dades de l'historial de la propietat que es mostren s'obtenen de registres públics i/o fonts MLS de la jurisdicció local on es troba la propietat aplicable. Com que kw.com no pot garantir que tots els registres públics i les dades de la MLS siguin exactes i sense errors, és important que us poseu en contacte directament amb el vostre agent per obtenir la informació més actualitzada disponible.
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Trànsit i desplaçaments diaris

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Depenent del cotxe Caminant Molt caminable
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Connecteu-vos amb l'agent adequat per a vosaltres

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