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Listing Courtesy Of: (214) 814-8100, Compass RE Texas, LLC., Jason Ruple
Local Realty Services Provided By: Keller Williams Realty
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2538 COUNTY ROAD 223, Floresville, TX 78114
4 Beds
4 Baths
sq ft
2538 COUNTY ROAD 223, Floresville, TX 78114
Estimation provided by Keller Williams Realty Inc.
4 Beds
4 Baths
sq ft
For Sale
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Property Description

Stunning 105+/- Acre Ranch with Exquisite Home and Abundant Amenities! Nestled in the serene beauty of Wilson County, just 5 miles south of Floresville, TX, lies a remarkable 105+/- acre property that promises a captivating country lifestyle. This breathtaking estate boasts a beautiful home, generously spread across 4,404 square feet, with 4 bedrooms and 3.5 baths, offering the perfect blend of modern luxury and rustic charm. Built in 2007, the home welcomes you with its warm and inviting ambiance. A 3-car garage ensures ample space for your vehicles and equipment, while indoor and outdoor fireplaces create cozy gathering spots for memorable moments with loved ones. The master bedroom on the first level provides convenience and privacy, while the additional bedrooms upstairs ensure everyone has their own sanctuary. And let's not forget the brand new 2023 roof that assures peace of mind for years to come. Step outside onto the sprawling, covered, and screened-in porch, measuring approximately 795 square feet, where you can bask in the tranquility of the surrounding landscape while enjoying your favorite beverage. Adding to the charm of this estate, a sparkling swimming pool invites you to indulge in leisurely afternoons of relaxation and enjoyment, creating lasting memories with friends and family. For the culinary enthusiasts, a full outdoor kitchen provides the ideal setting for alfresco dining, allowing you to savor the fresh air and picturesque views while preparing delicious meals. As you explore the vast grounds, you'll find two barns. The first, measuring 70x35 and equipped with a concrete slab, offers a versatile space for various agricultural or storage purposes. The second barn, an expansive hay barn, measures approximately 80x80, providing ample room for your farming and equipment needs. Nature enthusiasts and hunters will delight in the presence of a picturesque tank on the property, enhancing the landscape and attracting wildlife. The property's rich biodiversity offers exceptional dove, quail, turkey, and whitetail deer hunting opportunities, making it a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. This remarkable 105+/- acre estate presents a unique chance to embrace the tranquility and splendor of country living while reveling in the luxury and comfort of an exquisite home. Don't miss the opportunity to make this dream property your own and experience the true essence of Texas living. Improvements: 4/3.5 Home 70X35 Enclosed workshop/storage barn with concrete foundation 80X80 Hay/Equipment Barn with dirt floor Minerals: Negotiable Utilities: Floresville Electric Light and Power Systems (Felps) Sunko Water Supply Corporation Property Taxes: Wildlife Exemption

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Principal + Interest
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Price & Tax History

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Price Decrease
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Price Decrease
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Property Tax
Assessed Value
Assessed Value is a combination of the land and additions.
(+ )
Land 69,710 + Additions 441,780
(+ )
Land 20,400 + Additions 409,010
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