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Listing Courtesy Of: EXP Realty, LLC., [email protected] (330) 321-3339, Renee Velasquez
Local Realty Services Provided By: Keller Williams Citywide
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11940 State Route 58, Oberlin, OH 44074
4 Beds
2 Baths
sq ft
11940 State Route 58, Oberlin, OH 44074
Estimation provided by Keller Williams Realty Inc.
4 Beds
2 Baths
sq ft
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Property Description

Surveyed - Appraised - Free Gas w/ Mineral Rights. We are pleased to offer a vista of open sky over 55.284 acres of fields, meadow and mixed hardwoods - a peaceful landscape hosting a variety of wildlife, flora and fauna. Bask in the country life or explore the income potential including approximately 40 acres of tillable land (per FSA). This farm sale consists of two (2) parcels: PPN 09-00-055-000-001 (35.249 acres - where house and barn are located) and PPN 09-00-045-000-005 (20.035 acres). Located 1.3 miles from Oberlin College and the quaint City of Oberlin, this is an opportunity to invest in LAND and HOME and FREE GAS. The land was leased for agriculture through 2022 (CAUV tax reduction). The home was utilized as a rental and recently vacated by the property resident. Built in 1930, the home is deserving of rehab with its architectural character and gleaming wood floors, however the potential for this property could spark a number of investment ideas based on the zoning and area demographics. We’ve provided some local resources in the property brochure (OM) to explore ideas as well as contacts for lot splits and building regulations including Single Family and Duplex, Horse Farm, Vineyard, B&B and more.

Property Details

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Property Type
Single Family Residence
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Year Built
Days on Site
596 Days
Electric, Gas, Hot Water, Steam, Central Air
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