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Listing Courtesy Of: EXIT Realty Platinum, JARRETT SHAW
Listing Sold By: eXp Realty
Local Realty Services Provided By: Keller Williams Capital Realty
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130 Henry Street, Woodstock, NB E7M 1Y1
4 Beds
3 Baths
sq ft
130 Henry Street, Woodstock, NB E7M 1Y1
Estimation provided by Keller Williams Realty Inc.
4 Beds
3 Baths
sq ft
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Property Description

“Welcome Home” is what you’ll say w/ a smile on your face as you enter the front door of 130 Henry Street! This 4 bed, custom-built, contemporary-style family home is situated on 0.56 acres at the very top of a quiet dead-end street in the scenic & bustling town of Woodstock! This gorgeous abode, built in 1988, offers over 2970ft.² of well-thought-out living space! A massive foyer with approx 16-17ft ceilings will greet your guests upon arrival; however, for your day-to-day living, a mudroom w/ laundry located off the attached 2-car garage will be perfect for keeping your home tidy! The “walk-through” 1/2 bath located off the laundry room leads directly into a formal dining area which is complete w/ a propane stove! The MASSIVE screened-in porch overlooking the private backyard is located off the dining area & will be a delightful place to unwind or entertain! The inner Chef in you will take delight in the stunning Avondale-designed kitchen that offers organization beyond w/ its multitude of custom-built cabinetry, under & in-cabinet lighting & a corner lit pantry! A LOVELY family room overlooks a sunken formal living area complete w/ pellet stove & custom window treatments! Upstairs, a 4-piece bath, 3 spacious bedrooms & a deluxe primary suite complete w/ walk-in closet, extra closet space, a newly-renovated 3-piece ensuite & it has its own private den/office/exercise room! This extraordinary home is set upon a full-sized, unfinished, walk-out basement - perfect for storage!

Property Details

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Property Type
Single Family
Property Size
sq ft
Year Built
Days on Site
663 Days
Baseboard, Electric, Heat Pump - Ductless, Propane, Stove - Pellet
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