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Listing Courtesy Of: Mark Spain Real Estate, William H Pratt
Listing Sold By: eXp Realty, LLC - Clayton
Local Realty Services Provided By: Keller Williams Preferred Realty
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405 Broad, Oxford, NC 27565
4 Beds
3 Baths
sq ft
405 Broad, Oxford, NC 27565
Estimation provided by Keller Williams Realty Inc.
4 Beds
3 Baths
sq ft
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Property Description

This home located in downtown Oxford features a large walk around porch sitting on just under an acre lot. Leading into the home you're greeted with hardwood floors throughout most of the home. Home features a walk-in therapeutic bathtub with a tankless water heater supply. Also features a new breaker panel and a brand new roof put on in Nov. 2021. 2020 foundation repair documentation and feature list available in MLS docs and via email upon request.

Property Details

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Property Type
Single Family Residence
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Year Built
Days on Site
919 Days
Floor Furnace, Central Air, Natural Gas
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Data provided by Keller Williams Realty, Inc.
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Estimated Monthly Payment

Purchase Price:
Principal + Interest
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HOA/Condo Fee
Mortgage Insurance
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Price & Tax History

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Car-Dependent Walkable Very Walkable
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