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Courtesy of: Keller Williams Gateway Realty, Team Kruzel Jordan Realty
Listing Sold By: Lamacchia Realty, Inc.
Local Realty Services Provided By: Keller Williams Realty Success
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195 Forest St, Methuen, MA 01844
3 Beds
2 Baths
sq ft
195 Forest St, Methuen, MA 01844
Estimation provided by Keller Williams Realty Inc.
3 Beds
2 Baths
sq ft
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Property Description

Privacy and nature surround this brick 1 owner ranch located on a private way in an established neighborhood. The huge, almost 2.5 acre lot is wooded and offers expansion possibilities for the next buyer. The open floor plan is perfect for entertaining and there is a large finished basement that is heated but just needs new flooring. Most of the windows were replaced in approx 2015. Cozy wood burning fireplace in living room and a pellet stove that could be used as separate heat source. The home has a water softener (approx 2014) and sediment filter also. Wrap around deck offers views of the private, wooded yard. Master bedroom has its own deck, good size walk-in closet and master bath with shower. Lots of hardwood flooring in all the rooms and ceramic tile in bathrooms. The full bath is extra large with washer and dryer and separate shelving for laundry items. Entire interior of house was just painted in June. Tons of parking and a great commuter location in Marsh school district.

Property Details

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Property Type
Single Family Residence
Property Size
sq ft
Year Built
Days on Site
1,161 Days
Pellet Stove, Electric, Wall Unit(s)
6 Parking Spaces
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Activity History

Data provided by Keller Williams Realty, Inc.
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Estimated Monthly Payment

Purchase Price:
Principal + Interest
Property Tax
Home Insurance
HOA/Condo Fee
Mortgage Insurance
Purchase Price
Purchase price has been changed to something other than the currently listed price.
Down Payment
Interest Rate
Loan Type
Property Tax
Home Insurance /year
HOA/Condo Fees /month
Mortgage Insurance /month
Credit Score
This calculator is just an estimate. Contact Keller Williams for full and accurate assessment.

Price & Tax History

(+ )
Property Tax
Assessed Value
Assessed Value is a combination of the land and additions.
(+ )
Land 256,100 + Additions 259,100
(+ )
Land 181,200 + Additions 181,000
(+ )
Land 162,500 + Additions 157,000
(+ )
Land 162,500 + Additions 148,800
Land 162,500 + Additions 133,700
The Property History data displayed is obtained from public records and/or MLS feeds from the local jurisdiction in which the applicable property is located. As kw.com cannot guarantee that all public records and MLS data is accurate and error-free, it is important that you contact your agent directly in order to obtain the most up-to-date information available.
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