מצא סוכן KW מקומי הסוכן שלך
John R Cook
Keller Williams Realty Community Partners
Cumming, GA
מספר רישיון: 263822 - GA / Realtor ב- John Cook Group
כל משרד של Keller Williams® הוא בבעלות עצמאית ומופעל


The John Cook Group realizes in today’s market buying a home now requires more than inputting
your requirements in a system & emailing you properties. What sets us apart from other agents and what has
attributed to our success is that WE GO THE EXTRA MILE. Today’s market requires a sound understanding of
inventory time on market, and growing demand in peak timelines. We pride ourselves on our NEGOTIATION
EXPERTISE, excellent service, communication and accessibility to our clients.
With over 15 years of Real Estate experience in the North Georgia area, our goal is to help you find your dream
home, based on your timeline, guiding you through a smooth contract to close. MINIMIZING YOUR STRESS,
WHILE SAVING YOU TIME AND MONEY! After all, it is the single biggest investment most of us make in our lives!
Both myself and my team look forward to working with you, and we appreciate the opportunity to earn your

הפרטים שלי
שפות English
התמחויות וייעודים Luxury, Realtor
מרכז השוק Keller Williams Realty Community Partners
Keller Williams Realty Community Partners
540 Lake Center Parkway Ste # 201

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