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Courtesy of: Berkshire Hathaway FL Realty, Scott C Fogel
Listing Sold By: John R. Wood Properties
Local Realty Services Provided By: Keller Williams Elite Realty
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3950 Lakemont Dr, Bonita Springs, FL 34134
4 Beds
4 Baths
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3950 Lakemont Dr, Bonita Springs, FL 34134
Estimation provided by Keller Williams Realty Inc.
4 Beds
4 Baths
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Property Description

*VIRTUAL TOUR AND 360 DEGREE VIEWS AVAILABLE* Unique opportunity to customize Pelican Landing’s most coveted estate home floor plan, the Arthur Rutenberg Bimini. Situated on nearly half an acre of mature landscaping in the prestigious Lakemont neighborhood, this ~3,300sqft 4+den, 3 ½ bath home has room for the whole family to spread out in luxurious comfort. Outdoor living and pool area take center stage, as home graciously wraps around oversized pool deck further surrounded by lush foliage and expansive back yard, with room for grassy play area or decorative gardens. Indoors, open-concept with central kitchen and great room features split suites for privacy, soaring ceilings, and abundant transom windows. Walk or ride to fitness center, Publix, pharmacy, and several local restaurants from this terrific location. Pelican Landing’s amenities include a 34-acre private island beach club, gulf access sailing and kayaking, 12 Har-Tru tennis courts, attended fitness center, bocce, Pickleball, and regularly scheduled recreation and educational activities. Optional golf club and social memberships available at Pelican's Nest, 36 holes of championship golf with 2020 renovated clubhouse.

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Single Family
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1,236 Days
2 Parking Spaces
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