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Listing Courtesy Of: Ansley Real Estate, Tricia Quidley, First MLS
Listing Sold By: Ansley Real Estate
Local Realty Services Provided By: Keller Williams Realty North Atlanta
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330 Fairleaf Court, Alpharetta, GA 30022
5 Beds
4 Baths
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330 Fairleaf Court, Alpharetta, GA 30022
Estimation provided by Keller Williams Realty Inc.
5 Beds
4 Baths
sq ft
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Property Description

Welcome home! Alpharetta living at its finest in prestigious Warrenton subdivision. Minutes to exceptional downtown Alpharetta, Avalon, Big Creek Greenway, Newtown Park, shops and GA400. Beautiful, spacious light-filled 5 bedroom home with soaring foyer, formal living and dining rooms. Main level office/bedroom with full bathroom. Oversized kitchen with granite, SS, island, light-filled breakfast room that overlooks beautiful wooded backyard. Casually elegant fireside family room with back staircase. Beautiful master bedroom with fabulous updated upscale bathroom. Large bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms. Open, spacious finished basement with recreation room and unfinished space stubbed for bathroom and tons of storage. Fresh new paint throughout. Cement Siding on back of house 4 years new! Warrenton is a boutique neighborhood with fantastic amenities including saline pool, active tennis teams, pavilion, bar and grill area, and a new playground which will be added in the spring. Award-winning Johns Creek school district. Great house, great location, great schools--home run!

Property Details

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Single Family Residence
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Year Built
Days on Site
985 Days
Central Air, Central
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Activity History

Data provided by Keller Williams Realty, Inc.
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Estimated Monthly Payment

Purchase Price:
Principal + Interest
Property Tax
Home Insurance
HOA/Condo Fee
Mortgage Insurance
Purchase Price
Purchase price has been changed to something other than the currently listed price.
Down Payment
Interest Rate
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Property Tax
Home Insurance /year
HOA/Condo Fees /month
Mortgage Insurance /month
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This calculator is just an estimate. Contact Keller Williams for full and accurate assessment.

Price & Tax History

(+ )
(+ )
Property Tax
Assessed Value
Assessed Value is a combination of the land and additions.
(+ )
Land 42,200 + Additions 256,760
(+ )
Land 37,400 + Additions 139,960
(+ )
Land 36,720 + Additions 137,480
(- )
Land 35,880 + Additions 134,280
Land 34,680 + Additions 97,080
The Property History data displayed is obtained from public records and/or MLS feeds from the local jurisdiction in which the applicable property is located. As kw.com cannot guarantee that all public records and MLS data is accurate and error-free, it is important that you contact your agent directly in order to obtain the most up-to-date information available.
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Disclaimer: This information is provided by Precisely and subject to change. Please check the applicable school district.

Transit & Commute

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Car-Dependent Walkable Very Walkable
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