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Listing Courtesy Of: Reedy Property Group, Inc, Tripp Taylor
Listing Sold By: Non MLS
Local Realty Services Provided By: Keller Williams Realty Western Upstate, SC
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00 Greenville Highway, Easley, SC 29640
00 Greenville Highway, Easley, SC 29640
Estimation provided by Keller Williams Realty Inc.
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Property Description

Discover an outstanding investment opportunity with this residential development tract located in Easley, SC. Situated along Greenville Highway, this ±34.47-acre lot is a part of Pickens County Tax Map #5008-11-56-7923 and is zoned for single-family residential development. The site boasts double road frontage with ±800 linear feet on Greenville Highway and ±1,000 linear feet on Gillespie Drive, providing easy accessibility. The property features a flat and level topography, excellent visibility, and an ideal location that is less than ±3 miles from downtown Easley and ±4 miles from Easley’s main retail corridor on Calhoun Memorial Highway/123. The site is also conveniently located less than ±11 miles to Interstate 85 and the Southern Connector, and ±10 miles from Powdersville, a growing grocery, retail, and restaurant artery. The tract is zoned for West End Elementary, Gettys Middle School, and Easley High School. All utilities, including water, power, and sewer, are already available onsite, making development a breeze. This investment tract has the potential for 87 lots to be sold as Land Disturbance Permits, with lot sizes of ±8,000 square feet each. The surrounding commercial and retail sites include Yokohama Industries, E Z Bi-Fast Store, Phezzy Jeans Company, and Everything Auto Car Wash. Moreover, the site's accessibility is demonstrated by the 2021 SCDOT Traffic Count, with VPD of 2200 Amsterdam Road, 5900 Greenville Highway, 9400 Liberty Drive, and 25,400 Stage Coach Road. According to the most recent US census data, Pickens County's estimated population for 2023 is ±135,000, with a growth rate of .91% in the past year. This makes Pickens the 14th largest county in South Carolina, and with its promising potential, this investment tract is a rare opportunity that you won't want to miss

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